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Does Reiki Really Work?

Does Reiki actually work? This is one of the questions I get asked the most when people find out what I do.

It’s a valid question and one that I asked when I was beginning to learn about Reiki, too, so I get it!

The short answer is “yes”…but we do need to better define the question because there are some things that Reiki works better for than others. Let’s get into it!

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a complimentary natural healing technique that uses energy and intention to bring balance to the body’s flow of energy to help a person feel better. If you would like to learn more from a medical perspective, you can read what an M.D. had to say in Forbes Health.

Reiki Doesn’t Work Well For…

If you have a bone sticking out of your arm or another situation where someone would typically say, “Where’s the nearest ER?” — that’s not the time to call your Reiki practitioner. However, for situations where an ER would not be in play, you might consider Reiki as part of your treatment.

Reiki Works Well For Depression, Stress, and Anxiety…

In a study published by the Bond University School of Psychology, they found that Reiki could be effective in treating some areas of mental health.

And a large-scale multisite effectiveness study was conducted to measure the effect of a single session of Reiki on physical and psychological health in a large nonclinical setting. The results, which were published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, suggest that a single session of Reiki improves multiple variables related to physical and psychological health.

Reiki Works Well For Pain…

An article in BMJ Support Palliat Care says that “Reiki therapy is useful for relieving pain, decreasing anxiety/depression and improving quality of life in several conditions.”

An article in Pain Management Nursing concluded that “there is evidence to suggest that Reiki therapy may be effective for pain and anxiety.”

Reiki Works Well For Managing Symptoms…

Reiki has shown to be an effective way for reducing pain, depression, and anxiety, and the positive effects of Reiki tend to last for extended periods of time. In a study published in Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, after three months of receiving Reiki, significant decreases were observed in both the physical and emotional aspects of pain, as well as in the overall pain intensity, and people with chronic illnesses who were dealing with stress and pain responded well to Reiki.

Reiki Helps Cancer Patients And Their Caregivers…

An integrative Reiki volunteer program, published in Integrative Cancer Therapies, showed promise as a component of supportive care for cancer patients. Research found that participants (patients, caregivers, and staff whose lives have been affected by cancer) reported that Reiki induced relaxation and enhanced spiritual well-being.

Yeah, But Is Reiki Just Placebo Effect?

That’s a great question. Reiki has been proved to be more effective than a placebo on multiple occasions. What I find more interesting is the work of Dr. David R. Hamilton who has studied the placebo effect itself and why “woo-woo” things actually work. He also has written how Reiki is better than placebo, too.

Final Thoughts

While it’s important to approach Reiki with an open mind, studies have demonstrated it’s effect in addressing mental health issues, like depression, stress, and anxiety, as well as providing relief from pain. Reiki has also shown positive results in managing symptoms and supporting cancer patients and their caregivers. It’s evident that Reiki has the potential to enhance overall well-being and contribute positively to our health journey.

Still Have Questions?

If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!