Light into You

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What to do after a distance Reiki session

You’ve made it through your first distance Reiki session! What a trip! Now what?

Here are a few tips to keep you headed down this blissful path.

Ground Yourself

Immediately after your session, you likely will be feeling rather blissful, or (as we sometimes refer to it) you’ll have “Reiki brain”… what this translates to is that you are likely existing more in your upper chakras (like the crown and third eye), and you need to ground yourself.

I recommend staying in this state as long as you are able (as long as you have no obligations), but before the session, I like to set an alarm on my phone for when I need to start grounding.

Here are some simple ways to ground:

  • drink a glass of cold water

  • eat a piece of dark chocolate

  • talk to your house plants

  • go outside and literally place your bare feet on the ground

  • hug a tree

  • sit down on the floor. close your eyes. breathe in, and as you breathe out, imagine roots spouting from you into the earth. as you continue to breathe, the roots become as long and thick as you need until you feel securely planted on earth again.

Make sure to ground yourself in some way before you do anything like driving or operating machinery. I mention this because I did not take this advice after my first healing, and while I did not wreck (luckily), it took me three times the amount of time to get home because I was in La La Land.

So even if you think you’re fine, at least drink a big glass of cold water.

Take Care of Yourself

The Reiki can still be working for up to 72 hours after your session, so be kind to yourself for a few days.

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Listen to your body

If your body is telling you it needs to rest (and you have the time), do it. It’s still allowing that energy to move for your greatest good, so please help it along.

Embrace What Comes

Like during the session itself, I encourage you to embrace what comes after the session.

Depending on how the energy was moved, there might not be anything other than relaxation. There could also be fatigue, temporary soreness, temporary sadness, temporary disconnectedness… any number of temporary things could come up as a result of the energy movement.

Embrace it! Get some rest, and know that it is temporary and that the energy is moving for your highest and greatest good.

Ask Questions

Reach out to your practitioner if you have questions about anything that happened during your session or anything that is coming up after. Reiki is complimentary work, so of course, please contact your doctor if something seems majorly amiss.

Schedule Again

Assuming it was an overall good experience, book your next session. Reiki is even more powerful the more often it is received. There is a cumulative effect, so make sure to book your next session so that you can reap those rewards.

Still Have Questions?

If you have questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me.  I’d love to see how I could be of service!