Incorporating Nature Sounds into Your Daily Routine

purple peaceful nature - Light into You

Finding little moments of peace in our busy lives can sometimes feel impossible. But guess what? Adding nature sounds to your daily routine is a super easy way to bring a bit of calm and relaxation into your day. Whether you're working from home, commuting, or just chilling after a long day, nature sounds can instantly transport you to a beautiful, peaceful place. Let’s dive into how you can make this magic happen!

Nature Sounds and Me

I wanted to share this because my husband and I have essentially made nature sounds the soundtrack to our lives. Are they on 24-7? No, but are they on more often than not? Yes. Let me tell you what we do.

When we go to bed in the evenings, we ask our Google Hub to play oceans sounds by saying something like, “Hey Google — play ocean sounds, please.” And yes, I always say “please” to my AI assistants — when the robots rise up, I want them to remember I was nice. Hehe. Nah, it’s actually more about showing kindness to all of the things that are in my house, but ya know. 😉

Anyway, those relaxing ocean waves wash away the day and help us drift off to sleep, and because that command will allow the Hub to play for 12 hours (unless we ask it to stop), it is still playing when I wake up in the morning, allowing me to have a nice soundtrack for my waking meditation, which I do before getting out of bed (most days 😉).

Then, we both either play ambient music or nature sounds to help us work during the day, and in the evenings, if we’re playing games, instead of watching TV, on come the nature sounds again with the same, “Hey Google…”.

We started this a couple of years ago for our dogs because the person who raised them as puppies had conditioned them to be soothed by nature sounds and classical music. The more we did it, the more we noticed how nice it was for us, too.

So nature sounds have become the default playlist in our house, and they have made a difference in our stress levels and overall happiness. And I hope that any of my suggestions below will help you incorporate a little more nature into your life’s soundtrack, too.

The Magic of Nature Sounds

So why nature sounds? Well, nature sounds, like the gentle rustling of leaves, the soothing crash of ocean waves, or the sweet chirping of birds, have this amazing ability to calm our minds and soothe our souls. Studies show that these sounds can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and make us feel happier overall. By surrounding yourself with these natural soundscapes, you can create a peaceful oasis no matter where you are.

morning beach meditation - Light into You

Morning Meditation with Nature Sounds

Start Your Day on a Calm Note

Imagine starting your day with the peaceful sound of a babbling brook or birds singing at dawn. Sounds dreamy, right? Morning mindfulness meditation with nature sounds can set a positive tone for the day. I love to begin my day with a few minutes of meditation right when I wake up. I just lie in bed, close my eyes, and let the sounds wash over me. It’s like bringing a little piece of nature into my morning routine.

Why This Works

Nature sounds can help you gently wake up, making it easier to start your day calmly. When you begin the day feeling centered, everything else just feels more manageable.

My Experience

I am not a morning person, but this practice makes a huge difference on the days I do it. Morning meditations, in general, took some getting used to for me because I was used to rushing out of bed and being behind, but now I realized that allowing myself just a minute to be mindful creates a morning that feel less rushed and more enjoyable. If you’re new to this, start with just a minute — even 10 seconds — and gradually increase the time.


  • This isn’t about how much time you spend being mindful — it’s more about not rushing into your day with that “Ahhhh!” feeling.

  • Combine nature sounds with a guided meditation app for added structure, if that is something you like.

  • Try different nature sounds to see which resonates best with you.

listening to nature during work - Light into You

Nature Sounds During Work

Boost Focus and Productivity

Working from home or in an office can be full of distractions. Adding nature sounds to your workspace can help you stay focused and productive. I’ve found that having the water sounds (oceans, rivers, rain, etc.) in the background helps me concentrate better. It’s like having a little bubble of calm in the middle of the chaos.

Why This Works

Nature sounds can create a soothing atmosphere that drowns out distracting noises, making it easier to focus on your tasks. Plus, they can reduce stress levels, boosting your productivity.

My Experience

I used to be someone who often listened to music or podcasts while working, but when I started to code more (in a previous role), I found that those became too distracting for me to work well, so I was reluctant to try any sort of sound, even wordless. But I was amazed as how much nature sounds improved my focus!

It didn’t go perfectly at first — I had to find the right types of sound. After some trial and error, I discovered that ocean sounds were my go-to sound for working. As I mentioned, I’ll sometimes change it up for other water sounds, but if you were to enter my office, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll hear ocean waves. So experiment with different sounds to see what helps you the most, too!


  • Use headphones for a more immersive experience.

  • Create a playlist of different nature sounds to avoid monotony (or download mine).

  • Experiment with volume levels to find the perfect balance between relaxation and alertness.

bench in nature - Light into You

Mindful Breaks with Nature Sounds

Refresh and Recharge

Taking mindful breaks throughout the day is essential for maintaining your energy and productivity. Step away from your desk and spend a few minutes listening to nature sounds (or ask your preferred AI assistant — Siri, Google, Alexa, etc. — to play nature sounds wherever you are).

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and let the sounds transport you to a peaceful place. This simple practice can help clear your mind and reduce stress, making it easier to return to work with renewed focus. You’ll be amazed at what just a few breaths will do for you if you remember to give yourself this gift!

Why This Works

Mindful breaks with nature sounds can serve as a mental reset, helping you recharge and stay focused throughout the day. It’s a great way to prevent burnout and keep your well-being in check.

My Experience

I started taking these mindful breaks after reading about their benefits (and noticing that I wasn’t giving myself much of a break of any kind). Initially, I would forget to take breaks, but setting a timer helped. Now, these short pauses are a vital part of my routine. If you’re starting out, try scheduling breaks at regular intervals.


  • Schedule regular breaks to make sure you take them.

  • Pair nature sounds with gentle stretching or yoga for added relaxation.

  • Keep a nature sounds app on your phone for easy access.

cat sleeping well - Light into You

Nature Sounds for Better Sleep

Drift Off to Dreamland

If you struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep, incorporating nature sounds into your evening and bedtime routine can make a significant difference. White noise machines or apps that play nature sounds can mask background noises and create a peaceful environment conducive to sleep. These soothing sounds can signal to your body that it's time to relax, promoting a sense of calm and helping you let go of day’s stresses. Experiment with different sounds to find what helps you relax the most.

Why This Works

Nature sounds can create a calming environment that helps you transition from the busyness of the day to the peacefulness of the evening. This can be especially helpful if you have trouble winding down at night. Nature sounds can also help create a consistent auditory environment, making it easier for your mind to relax and drift off to sleep while also masking disruptive noises that might wake you up during the night.

My Experience

We used to sleep to Bob’s Burgers every night (that’s my happy show), but as I previously mentioned, my husband and I switched to nature sounds when we got our dogs. We would only do it every once in a while, but we noticed that we all slept better (not just the dogs) when we started our evening with the nature sounds. If you’re new to this, give yourself time to experiment with different sounds and volumes. For example, your go-to sound for work might not be your go-to sound for wind-down.


  • As you wind down, dim the lights and create a cozy environment to enhance relaxation.

  • Combine nature sounds with other sleep aids like a weighted blanket or blackout curtains.

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to sleep.

budda on a leaf - Light into You

Nature Sounds in Meditation and Yoga

Deepen Your Practice

I know, I know. I’ve already mentioned meditation for the morning, but I wanted to call special attention to the fact that integrating nature sounds into your meditation and yoga sessions can deepen your practice and enhance your overall experience (no matter what time of day you do them). The soothing sounds of nature can help you stay present and focused, making it easier to connect with your breath and movements. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, nature sounds can add a new dimension to your practice.

Why This Works

Nature sounds can create a serene backdrop that enhances your ability to stay present during meditation or yoga (or other spiritual practice). They can help you feel more connected to the natural world, even if you’re practicing indoors.

My Experience

I wasn’t sure if I was “allowed” to add nature sounds to my meditation practice at first. I had to be in complete silence. You see, I was very new to all things woo-woo, and I was just learning how to do some things. Of course, looking back, it was a little silly to think about being “allowed” or “not allowed” to do something in meditation, but I’m so glad that I added nature sounds to my practice. For me, they help me tune out the outside world and inward really quickly.


  • Experiment with different sounds to see what resonates with your practice.

  • Use speakers instead of headphones during yoga for a more open and immersive experience.

  • Combine nature sounds with calming music for a unique soundscape.

thumbs up in plants - Light into You

Creating a Nature Sound Sanctuary at Home

Transform Your Space

Creating a dedicated space in your home where you can listen to nature sounds can provide a much-needed escape from daily stressors. Whether it’s a cozy corner with a comfy chair, a spot in your garden, or your altar, having a go-to place for relaxation can make it easier to incorporate this practice into your routine.

Why This Works

Having a designated space for relaxation can help you establish a consistent mindfulness practice. It also creates a physical reminder to take time for yourself and can enhance the calming effects of nature sounds, and the more you use the space, it can help you go deeper faster because your mind and body will remember what the space is intended for.

My Experience

I incorporated nature sounds into my altar area. Again, I did this simply by asking my Google assistant to play nature sounds of some kind when I’m there, but it serves as such a nice barrier to the sounds from the outside world. And now, it’s my go-to spot for unwinding. I would suggest starting small and building your sanctuary over time — maybe even adding to an area you already have.


  • Decorate your space with natural elements like plants, stones, or a small water feature.

  • Use a high-quality speaker or sound system to enhance the listening experience (you can totally start with your phone, though 😉).

  • OR…Make this space a tech-free zone to promote mindfulness and relaxation (the nature sounds might need to be real, in this case, though… so make this spot outside 😄).

walking outdoors with dog - Light into You

Exploring Nature Sounds Outdoors

Take Your Practice Outside

Whenever possible, take your nature sound practice outdoors. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply stepping out your back door, immersing yourself in actual nature can amplify the benefits of this practice. Pay attention to the sounds around you, and let them guide you into a state of mindfulness.

Why This Works

Being in nature can enhance the calming effects of listening to nature sounds. It provides a full sensory experience that can deepen your connection to the natural world and enhance your mindfulness practice.

My Experience

I’m lucky to live in a beautiful part of the country, so the view from my back patio is gorgeous! So I try to remember to do this every time my dogs ask me to go outside to do their business. They take care of their business, and I take care of my mindfulness. I used to groan when they would want to go out (and I’m not gonna lie — I still do sometimes 😅), but when I remember that I’m about to get a dose of nature, it helps!


  • Find a quiet spot away from traffic and other urban noises.

  • Enhance your experience by bringing a journal to jot down any thoughts or reflections that come up for you.

  • Combine this practice with other outdoor activities like birdwatching, gardening, or walking the dogs.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating nature sounds into your daily routine is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your well-being. Whether you’re meditating, working, or unwinding, these soothing sounds can help you feel more present and connected to the world around you. Start small, experiment with different sounds, and find what works best for you. Remember, the goal is to create moments of peace and tranquility in your everyday life. Happy listening! 🌿🎶

Still Have Questions?

If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!

Chanaya Hancock

Hi there! I'm Chanaya, your go-to Reiki Master and Holistic Tech Guide. My mission? Helping folks like you find their inner glow and shine like never before. When I'm not spreading good vibes, you'll catch me listening to a fantasy novel or whipping up something sweet in the kitchen. I'm a big fan of cozy gaming nights with my husband and cuddle sessions with my two puppy buddies. Let's journey together toward healing and happiness — one mindful step at a time!

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