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How I got here

Chanaya Hancock

Hi! I’m Chanaya! I love bringing the healing energy of Reiki into the lives of my clients, whether they are humans or other animals. Each client brings something amazing into my world, and I’m excited to help each one.

I am a Reiki Master, who is certified to practice on both humans (Usui Reiki Ryoho) and animals (Kathleen Prasad’s Let Animals Lead® method), both in-person and distance; although, most of my work is distance these days. You can find out more about these modalities by clicking on them from the top menu.

How did I get into Reiki? I’m so glad you asked! Most of my working life (pre-Reiki) was spent in the tech world. My brain was very focused on logical and data-oriented things. I took my Reiki Level 1 class mostly on a whim. I had been trying to find less logical (more woo-woo type) things in an effort to balance out my very data-oriented brain.

I learned so much from that first Reiki class and attunement, and I started doing my self-Reiki. A few weeks later I was involved in a severe car accident that totaled my vehicle, but I did not feel any residual impact from the crash. This was highly unusual for me because I am baby when it comes to pain, but none came! I was amazed at the difference the Reiki had made, and I decided to continue my Reiki education.

In order to achieve master level, we were encouraged to offer Reiki to a certain number of people, which I did. This is when I found out how rewarding it was to share Reiki with others. The feeling of being a conduit, allowing others to receive the balancing energy is amazing and witnessing the results is something that continues to amaze me!

I love offering Reiki to animals, especially my two dogs. They are littermate brother and sister, and they’re constantly teaching me about how to treat others and how to live a peaceful, more balanced life.

When I get to meet other animals through offering Reiki, I find it is the same — they have so much to teach me! I feel so blessed to be able to share Reiki with them and learn from them. Animals… our teachers.

Every day that I get to offer Reiki to someone is a wonderful day, so thank you for considering letting me share this wonderful energy with you.