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How to Clean Your Home Like a Reiki Master

Our home is the place where we spend much of our time, so it is essential to create a comfortable and nurturing environment that supports our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, our living spaces can easily accumulate unwanted energy, clutter, and stagnant vibes that affect our mood, health, and overall quality of life.

To maintain a clean and balanced home environment, many people turn to traditional cleaning methods such as dusting, vacuuming, and decluttering (which are great), but I’m going to share with you how I incorporate energy clearing into my traditional cleaning methods in order to amplify the positive energy in my home and promote a sense of harmony and peace.

You don’t have to be a Reiki Master to do these things, and they might even make your cleaning tasks a little more enjoyable — at least they did for me. Let’s get into it!

Understanding Energy Clearing: What It Is and How It Works

Energy clearing is a holistic practice that aims to remove unwanted and stagnant from a particular space or object and restore its natural balance and flow. This practice is based on the principle that everything in the universe is made of energy, including our thoughts, emotions, and physical surroundings.

When we experience negative emotions, stressful situations, or environmental pollutants, the energy in our home can become imbalanced, leading to a range of physical and emotional symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, and irritability.

Energy clearing techniques such as Reiki, smudging, sound healing, and crystals can help release the negative energy and restore the natural flow of energy in your home, promoting a sense of relaxation, clarity, and balance.

Why You Should Incorporate Energy Clearing into Your Cleaning Routine

While traditional cleaning methods can remove dirt and bacteria from your home, they may not address the energetic imbalances that affect your well-being. By incorporating energy clearing into your cleaning routine, you can:

Boost the positive energy in your home and promote a sense of peace and harmony

  • Reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood and overall well-being

  • Enhance the quality of your sleep and create a nurturing environment for rest and relaxation

  • Increase your productivity, creativity, and focus by clearing the clutter and creating a clear space for your thoughts and ideas

  • Create a sacred space for spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and prayer

Clean with Intention

Now that I’ve convinced you (or at least you’re still reading), let’s talk about how to put this into action.

One of the simplest ways is simply to clean with intention. Before you start cleaning, simply take a deep breath and hold the thought in your mind that as you perform your cleaning task(s) that it will also help clear away any energies that are not for your highest and greatest good. Then, go wipe the counters or do the dishes or whatever you were going to do.

One of my favorite things to do (probably because I’m a geek) is to focus on the movements I’m doing and add an intention.

For example, if I’m vacuuming, I will imagine that when I pull toward me, the unwanted energies are being cleared, and when I push away from me, positive, peaceful energies are being sent out and replacing the old energies.

I would like to note that the direction here is not important (and they change for me, based on how I’m feeling) — it’s the intention that matters. So as I’m vacuuming, I’m just repeating to myself, “Clear……harmony…..clear……harmony….” Something like that, and I’m putting the intention behind those words. I’ll do something similar when I wipe down counters, mirrors, etc. You get the picture.

Talk to Your Home

Another thing I love to do is to talk to my home. If you’ve never done this, I suggest giving it a try. If it’s your first time, you might feel a little crazy, but trust me on this. It’s more of an Eastern practice that we should really do more of in the Western world.

I often like to talk to my home when I clean (especially if it’s been a little too long). I might apologize for the delay in tending to it, or I will let it know what I plan to do. I might ask for feedback on what it thinks I need to tackle with the understanding that I might not be able to get it immediately.

Mostly, I send it gratitude for being there and holding my family and me. I send it love and let know that what I plan to do will be coming from love and care. This makes me feel less bad when I have to bang cleaning tools around.

Using Clearing Oils and Plants

Essential oils and energy clearing plants (like sage and palo santo) can also be incorporated into your cleaning tasks.

It can be as simple as creating (or buying) an essential oil spray that you can use on your bed after you finish making it in the mornings or that you can spray to freshen every room in your house.

If smudging (with sage or palo santo) is something that resonates with you, that is always an option. You can smudge a room before you clean it, after, or both…whatever feels right to you. You could also do a weekly or monthly home smudging to help keep the energy balanced and fresh.

Other Options

These are just a few options of how to incorporate energy clearing, but there are many other options. If you find a way of clearing energy that resonates with you, see if you can find a way to incorporate it into your daily or weekly routine in some way. Your home and your health will thank you for it.

Final Thoughts

Energy clearing is a powerful tool that can help you transform your home and improve your overall well-being, and there are several ways to incorporate it into your typical cleaning tasks to make it easier to have home that will continue work to your highest and greatest good.

Still Have Questions?

If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!