Light into You

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How to book a distance Reiki session online

You’re interested in booking a distance Reiki session online, but you have questions — that’s wonderful!

Whether it’s the technology part, the distance part, the Reiki part, or all of the above that is throwing you, I plan to cover your concerns and walk you through the process.

Keep in mind most of this is tailored to the experience you would have with Light into You, but many of my answers apply to just about any distance Reiki. Let’s go!

Why Type of Distance Reiki Do You Want to Experience?

I offer two types of co-located (distance) Reiki:

  • Via Zoom, where the client and I interact similarly to how we might if we were in the same geographical space

    • I suggest this type for newcomers, simply because we get to have some 1:1 time and answer any questions you might have.

  • Background, where the client and I do not have direct communication during the session itself

When is the Best Time to Book a Distance Reiki session?

The best time to schedule your distance Reiki session is when you will have a little time before (maybe 15-30 mins) to prepare yourself and your space for the session, and ideally, you would have an hour or so after the session to allow your body and mind to process what just happened.

Many people like to “stay in the bliss” after the session, so that’s another reason to give yourself a little time buffer after. Instead you might find that you get tired a few hours after the session (somewhat similar to a massage) as your body starts to process or release some of the balancing that is occurring. Making sure that your schedule is not so jam-packed in the 3-8 hours after your session that you could take breaks or a nap would go a long way to help facilitate your healing.

Package vs Individual Session

There are pros and cons to both packages and individual sessions, so I like to offer both for my clients.

Currently on the Light into You site, when a package is purchased, you are provided with appointment codes that you then use to schedule the appointments. This means it’s easier to share packages with those you love (I simply ask that the person who will be showing up for the appointment is the one who fills out the form associated with each appointment — that makes things less confusing for me and my intentions). :)

Here are some other comparisons:

  • Packages

    • discount vs individual session price

    • easier to have multiple sessions (if desired)

    • can share with others

  • Individual Sessions:

    • less upfront cost

    • no commitment past current session

    • can more easily try multiple session types

How Long Should Your Distance Reiki Session Be?

I currently offer two session lengths: 30-minutes and 60-minutes. With a video chat (Zoom) session, though, there is extra time added to the appointment time (calendar invite) to accommodate the consultations on either side of the healing time.

With background sessions, the scheduled time is the selected healing time, since there is no direct interaction during the session itself.

For a first session (especially a first-ever session), I suggest starting with a 30-minute session. This allows your body to get used to how the Reiki feels, and it allows our energies to get used to each other. Finally, it allows you see how long it might take you to recover from a session. Often in my experience, the first one is the longest recovery time, which again, is why I suggest starting out shorter and adding to it later.

But above all, I suggest going with the duration you are most called to. That’s probably the right one for you.

After You Book - Zoom

After your Zoom distance Reiki session is booked through the website, you will receive a link to our Zoom room, if you chose that option.

If you do not have Zoom downloaded on your phone, tablet, or computer, please do so before our meeting time in order to make sure that the technology will be set.

If you have any questions about the automated communications you receive from my side, please reach out, and I’ll be happy to do what I can.

For more suggestions on how to prepare for a distance Reiki session, you can read this more in-depth article.

After You Book - Background

After your background distance Reiki session is booked through the website, you will not receive a Zoom link, but you will still receive a calendar invite for the appointment. This can be added to your Google Calendar or Apple Calendar.

We will not be interacting directly during a background session, but I do start those sessions at the scheduled time, so I suggest giving yourself a little buffer before to get yourself situated into wherever you’re going to be.

“But Technology is Not My Thing”

I get that technology, including Zoom, is not for everyone, as ubiquitous as it might seem these days. I would ask that you not let that get in your way of trying the Zoom option, if that’s the only thing blocking you.

We can work through the technology together. I used to be a technology consultant, and I also love helping people become more comfortable with the tech in their lives.

It’s not a big deal at all, though, if you simply prefer background sessions. I love doing them, or I wouldn’t offer them. I simply want you to know that I’m here to help you either way.

Still Have Questions?

This is a high-level overview of what booking a distance Reiki session is like.

If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!