How to prepare for a distance Reiki session


So you’ve booked a distance Reiki session, now what?

Here are some tips as to how you can prepare for your upcoming distance Reiki session.

Set Your Intentions

Consider what made you book the session in the first place and what you hope to accomplish from the session. Then, consider whether that is a realistic goal for one session.

For example, is your intention to rid yourself of all pain? Perhaps, a more realistic goal is to lower the pain in your body to a more manageable level (like a 10 >> 8).

Discuss Intentions with Practitioner

Make sure to share these intentions with your practitioner. Together, you are co-creating your healing session, and the more information they have about what your intentions are, the more they might be able to do for you. The might also be able to help clarify and/or focus your intentions.

Having said that, please know that the Reiki will always do what is for your highest and greatest good.

Decide Where You’ll Be (Plus Plan B)

A little preparation can go al long way for the day and time of your session. Make sure you have an idea of where you want to be an what you want to be doing during your session.

If the session is via Zoom, make sure you have Zoom downloaded and that Zoom works for you on the device you plan to use.

If will be experiencing a background Reiki session, decide how you want to get comfortable. Do you want to be on your sofa or in bed, or do you want to be in the patio…. or somewhere else?

I also suggest having a couple of provisional ideas in mind, in case the neighbors decide to mow their lawn five minutes before your session, or the water department chooses that day to tear up your street.

Consider All Your Senses

And while you’re at it, also think about all your senses.

What do you want to be listening to during the session? Is there a playlist that makes you feel especially relaxed?

What do you want to be smelling? Is there a candle that brings you back to that one time? Is there an essential oil that always puts you in just the right state?

Is there a blanket that is the right weight to make you feel secure? Are there pajamas or a sweatshirt that is just the right amount of “broken in” to make you feel at home?

What about popping a piece of dark chocolate a few minutes before the session and just letting it melt in your mouth (please finish it before laying back :D)? Is there another taste that relaxes you?

Is there a picture that always makes you smile? Maybe it’s of your dog or mother or wife. Maybe it’s a picture from a moment that made you so happy. Bring that picture to where you will be, or look at it before your session.


I cannot emphasize this point enough – prepare to enjoy the experience!  The Reiki is working for your highest and greatest good.  Smile!  Enjoy it!  The Universe is especially smiling on you during this time – smile back!  This is a beautiful time!

What Next?

If you are wondering what to do during a distance Reiki session, you can read this in-depth article about that.

Still Have Questions?

If you have questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me.  I’d love to see how I could be of service!

Chanaya Hancock

Hi there! I'm Chanaya, your go-to Reiki Master and Holistic Tech Guide. My mission? Helping folks like you find their inner glow and shine like never before. When I'm not spreading good vibes, you'll catch me listening to a fantasy novel or whipping up something sweet in the kitchen. I'm a big fan of cozy gaming nights with my husband and cuddle sessions with my two puppy buddies. Let's journey together toward healing and happiness — one mindful step at a time!

What to do during a distance Reiki session


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