Is Distance Reiki for You?


Yeah, I get it. It’s a legit question: Is distance Reiki for me?

You might be asking it because you think Reiki or any form or energy healing is a bit woo-woo, or you might be asking because you’re super sensitive to energy work (and you’ve had a less-than-pleasant experience in the past). Or you could be asking because you don’t know what the heck it is!

Whatever the reason for asking the question, let’s see if we can’t find an answer for you.

What is Distance Reiki?

Reiki is a natural healing modality that uses energy and intention to balance the flow of energy through the body, and distance Reiki is a variation that allows for that balancing to occur without the practitioner and client being in the same physical location. Reiki, and therefore distance Reiki, taps into the universal life force energy, creating a bridge between the practitioner and recipient, facilitating balancing and healing.

What Can Distance Reiki Help?

Distance Reiki can help with a wide range of situations. It is often used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, but clients have also reported better digestion, reduced inflammation, better sleep… the list goes on and on. Essentially, if there is something that needs more balance in your body (something that is not working as you might expect), it might be worth giving it a try.

Is it Just Woo-Woo?

While I now love the term “woo-woo”, I was not always so quick to embrace it. I came from the tech world, and I was very against anything that I could explain or see work with my own two eyes.

Luckily for me, I did see this work on me and others, but also luckily for me, there are actually studies being conducted on Reiki and energy healing. This helped my brain immensely.

Reiki is beginning to be more widely accepted into Western medicine as it is studied more and its benefits are proved.

If you’d like to read more, I’ve created this page that I update periodically, containing links to many studies. I would also highly recommend picking up Dr. David R. Hamilton’s book Why Woo Works: The Surprising Science Behind Meditation, Reiki, Crystals, and Other Alternative Practices.

What if I’m Super Sensitive to Energy?

If you are sensitive to energy and very protective of who you let into your energy, first of all, good for you! You should be protective of your energetic body! You should be very choosy about who you let into your energy and who let you work in there.

If you’ve had a less-than-pleasant experience in the past, I hate that for you. We’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they were doing the best they could with what they had.

Even if you are sensitive to energy, you can have energy work done, though, if you would like. My approach to energy work is that it’s my job to facilitate healing, not to force it. I consider myself more of an energy nurturer. Everything that happens during the session is like a conversation with your energetic body. If it says that something is still serving a purpose, then we move on. Those are not my decisions to make — those are yours.

I know that I’m not alone in this philosophy, so if you feel like you want to give energy healing another try, but your energy sensitivity or past experience is holding you back, it might be worth giving it another look.

Final Thoughts

Reiki is a natural healing modality that can do no harm, so if you are willing to give it a chance, distance Reiki could bring its benefits into your life, too. Even if you think you are too logical for woo-woo or if you think you are too sensitive for energy work, it might be worth re-evaluating your situation to see if you are willing to give it a try. The benefits of distance Reiki are worth giving it a chance.

Still Have Questions?

If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific condition or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!

Chanaya Hancock

Hi there! I'm Chanaya, your go-to Reiki Master and Holistic Tech Guide. My mission? Helping folks like you find their inner glow and shine like never before. When I'm not spreading good vibes, you'll catch me listening to a fantasy novel or whipping up something sweet in the kitchen. I'm a big fan of cozy gaming nights with my husband and cuddle sessions with my two puppy buddies. Let's journey together toward healing and happiness — one mindful step at a time!

Reiki for Empaths: Nurturing Energy without Fear


Soothing Souls from Afar: Distance Reiki for Transitioning Animals