Setting Intentions for the New Year: Aligning with Your Highest Self
So… I’ve never been a fan of resolutions, and I know I’m not alone. They remind me of walking into a fancy store like Tiffany’s with empty pockets — exciting at first, but ultimately setting you up for disappointment when you realize you can’t afford a damn thing. People start the year all pumped to do the thing, but by January 15 (or sooner), it’s like, “Fuck it!”
That’s not how I want to live my life.
Enter intentions (stage left). 😉
Intentions don’t carry the same baggage as resolutions. They’re not rigid rules that make you feel like you have to do something or else you’ve failed. Instead, intentions are rooted in a deeper connection to yourself and the universe. It’s about putting faith in the process and trusting that you and the universe are working together. With intentions, you’re not alone in trying to achieve your goals.
In this post, I’ll share how to set powerful, aligned intentions for the new year that’ll help you feel more connected, less pressured, and ready to embrace 2025 with grace and purpose.
1. What Are Intentions and How Do They Differ from Resolutions?
Resolutions tend to be outcome-based, like "I will lose 10 pounds" or "I will save $5,000." While they might sound motivating at first, they often come with rigid expectations and pressure to hit exact targets. When life gets in the way — as it usually does — resolutions can leave us feeling frustrated or like we've failed.
Intentions, however, are all about the feeling and energy behind your goals. They focus on how you want to show up in the world, allowing for growth, flexibility, and self-compassion. There’s no rigid rulebook with intentions, only a commitment to align with your true self and the universe.
For example:
Resolution: "I will exercise five days a week."
Intention: "I will move my body in ways that make me feel strong, healthy, and joyful."
By setting intentions, you're letting your values guide your actions, free from the pressure of achieving a specific result. It’s a more empowering and sustainable way to create positive change in your life.
2. Reflect Before You Set Intentions
Before setting intentions for the new year, it’s helpful to reflect on the year that’s ending. What lessons have you learned? What experiences have shaped you? What do you want to bring into the new year, and what are you ready to release?
Here are some journaling prompts to help guide your reflection:
What am I most proud of from this past year?
What challenges helped me grow?
What habits, mindsets, or relationships am I ready to release?
What brought me the most joy or peace this year?
If you’d like even more journaling inspiration, check out Journaling Prompts for Mid-Year Reflection and Goal-Setting for additional prompts to guide you through this process of self-reflection and planning.
By reflecting on where you’ve been, you can set intentions that are grounded in your personal growth and aligned with the path you want to continue on.
3. How to Set Intentions That Align with Your Highest Self
Setting intentions is a beautiful opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom and highest self — the version of you that is most authentic, kind, and aligned with your deeper values.
Here’s how to set intentions with purpose and clarity:
Tune into your heart: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself: “What do I truly want to feel and experience this year?” Allow your heart to answer without judgment or overthinking.
Focus on the feeling, not the outcome: Intentions work best when they’re centered around how you want to feel. For example, instead of setting an intention to land a promotion, you might set an intention to feel confident, fulfilled, and valued in your work.
Keep it simple and specific: Choose a few intentions that really resonate with you. For example, “I will create space for rest and self-care” or “I will be open to new opportunities with an open heart.”
Write them down: There’s power in writing down your intentions. It makes them feel more real and gives you something to revisit throughout the year. You might write them in a journal, on sticky notes, or create an intention board to keep them in your daily view.
4. Create a Daily Practice Around Your Intentions
Once you’ve set your intentions, the next step is to integrate them into your daily life. This isn’t about rigidly following them, but more about mindfully weaving them into your routine in ways that feel natural and supportive.
Here are some ways to stay connected to your intentions:
Morning affirmations: Start your day by saying your intentions out loud or writing them down. For example, “Today, I choose to show up with grace and kindness,” or “I allow myself to be open to new possibilities.”
Mindful check-ins: Throughout the day, pause and ask yourself, “Am I acting in alignment with my intentions?” This gentle check-in can help bring you back to center, especially in moments of stress or distraction.
Gratitude practice: At the end of the day, reflect on the moments where you aligned with your intentions. Did you create space for rest? Did you show up with compassion? This simple reflection reinforces the connection between your intentions and your daily actions.
5. Be Gentle with Yourself as You Grow
Setting intentions is a practice in self-compassion and flexibility. It’s important to remember that intentions aren’t about being perfect. They’re about guiding yourself with kindness and allowing space for change, growth, and even missteps along the way.
If you find yourself slipping out of alignment with your intentions, don’t judge yourself harshly. Instead, gently refocus and realign. Every day is a new opportunity to reconnect with your intentions and continue on your path.
6. Trust the Process
Intentions are powerful because they don’t rely on rigid deadlines or specific outcomes. They allow for the flow of life, trusting that as long as you’re moving in the direction of your highest self, you’re exactly where you need to be.
As the year unfolds, trust that your intentions are guiding you, even if they don’t manifest in the way you originally imagined. Keep revisiting them, refining them, and most importantly, living them.
Final Thoughts
As we step into the new year, let’s set intentions that reflect our deepest values and desires, not external expectations or pressures. Let’s align with our highest selves, trust the process, and move forward with grace and self-compassion.
Take this time to reflect, set your intentions, and allow yourself the space to grow into the version of yourself that feels most authentic and aligned. Remember, it’s not about perfection — it’s about progress, presence, and purpose.
Still Have Questions?
If you have more questions that I didn’t address here, based on your specific situation or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to see how I could be of service!