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Clearing Up Confusion: Misunderstandings About Reiki
Despite its widespread use and popularity, there are still many misconceptions about Reiki that persist. In this article, I will address a few of the most common misconceptions about Reiki and provide clarity on the practice.
How Does Distance Reiki Work?
What is distance Reiki, and how can it work when people aren’t in the same room? Let’s talk about it!
How to book a distance Reiki session online
What goes into scheduling a distance Reiki session? Is there a better time of day or week to receive Reiki? What is the process like to book a session. Let’s walk through it step-by-step.
What is a background distance Reiki session like?
You've heard about the calming, powerful energy of Reiki, but did you know it could be offered from a distance in the background of your day? How does that work?! Let's talk about it.
What is a distance Reiki session like via Zoom?
Just when you think you've done everything online, someone suggests Reiki via Zoom. What?! Does that even work? Let's talk about it.
What to do after a distance Reiki session
Now that you've experienced a distance Reiki session, what do you need to do in order to keep the healing process flowing? What do you need to do to take care of yourself? What should be your next steps? Let's talk about it.
What to do during a distance Reiki session
Let's talk about how to optimize the healing process during your distance Reiki session.
How to prepare for a distance Reiki session
You've scheduled a distance Reiki session -- now what?! Here are some tips to help you prepare and optimize the healing process.
Can Reiki be Done Virtually?
What is virtual (or distance) Reiki, and how can it work when people aren’t in the same room? Let’s talk about it!